Personal Genealogy

Janice Cushman's ancestry pages

Researching Andrews (from Ireland), Booth, Brayford, Burrell, Cook, Edge, Groves, Houghton, Johnson, Malthouse, Osgood, Oxendale, Sutton and Taylor surnames.

Brien Cushman's ancestry pages

Researching Avery, Biggs, Bowlden, Bringhurst, Crabb, Cushman (from Ireland), Harrington, Houtz, Rofe, Strang and Wright surnames.

Jen Stephan's paternal ancestry pages

Researching Brown (from Nova Scotia), Delph, Donaghy, Ewing, Galloway, Henson, MacDougall, Peers, Rush and Zweifel surnames.

My other genealogy pages with more information

Biggs, Booth, Brayford, Buckland, Cook and Taylor,
Cushman, Donaghy, Houghton, Johnson and Sutton
Also Lovekin descendancy.

Please help me to identify these portraits taken in the mid to late 1800s in the Eastern Townships.

For those researching in Compton County, Quebec, see Millie Taylor's Birthday Book

Please email Janice Cushman with your comments.


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